Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Google Docs

I have read through this lesson several times. It is very interesting. I watched one of my co-workers explain how she uses this program. It sounds great and I look forward to learning more about the technology in the future. I signed Tom's list and copied my Blog URL into the list.
I had trouble remembering my info to update my Blog so I actually started another which has at least one entry for the last lesson. Then, when I wasn't thinking quite so hard, I remembered the first Blog info. This is the URL for the second blog http://teresa-frerking.blogspot.com/.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Learn 2.5

Yes, I know! I promise to catch up on Learn 2.1, but I want to do 2.5, as well. Although, I didn't care for the first video. I thought I wasted 4 minutes. Anyway, I am a follower now and look forward to learning exciting new technologies.
Oh, by the way, my grandkids are doing great and my lovely daughter (a raving fan of Stephanie Meyer) is having a son on April 22 (no name as yet, her husband said no to "Edward"). I am excited to meet my 2nd grandson!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Here I am on Waikiki Beach in front of the famous Diamond Head. It is our first day there and I was tired from flying all day to get there. Our trip and cruise around the islands was awesome!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Library 2.0

Wow! I'm having such a hard time remembering my names and passwords! Is there a 2.0 to help my memory? I looked at Orange Seed again and thought that it is a wonderful outlet for our inspired ideas. Bon Ida! I reviewed the idea about changing -- oops, that is as far as I got that day and tomorrow? Welll!
Ah yes, January is almost over and I am still playing catch up. I did have trouble with my computer last year. I am not sure where the worm came from, but it messed up our whole system. We had to buy a new one. ouch! I have enjoyed looking at most of the websites being posted. A favorite is mango. Although I haven't taken the time to visit it again, I have showed it to several patrons.
Hopefully, I can remember some of these wonderful sources of information and ideas and visit some sites again.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Exercise stops me every time!

As you can tell, Blogging is not my thing! I have enjoyed reading all the lessons and listening and watching the videos, but find it very hard to sit (especially at work) and formulate my thoughts to write anything meaningful in my Blog. The exercise lesson stopped me, as exercise usually does. Then I couldn't figure out how to calculate my lunch .... I saw another blog of a co-worker who was fasting that week and thought well that made it easier.

Then I was planning a 2 week vacation to Hawaii! It was to celebrate my husband and my 40th Anniversary. We flew to Oahu for a few days and then boarded NCL Ship (The Pride of America) to sail around and visit the other islands. It was so wonderful and beautiful, the trip of a lifetime. That was a month ago and we are still going through all our pics and videos. So you see what I'm doing at home on the computer!

I really do want to catch up so you will hear from me more often. My granddaughter, Anne was here for Thanksgiving and I had a great time being Mimi. Christmas is coming fast, oh did I tell you - we have a cute grandson now! Shortly after we returned from Hawaii, our son called and told us he had a son, Rafferty Blue! Now I warned you I would be blogging about my grandkids. OK, I'll try to comment on the lessons next time.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm Baaack!

Wow, over a whole year has gone by! I remember that concert like it was yesterday. It was fun, but way too loud. I am looking forward to refreshing my memory from last year and to learning about new technology on the WEB! Thank you, OCLS and Tom!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Prize!

I got my player today. I am so happy and proud! I am going to a Brad Paisley concert and when I received the tickets, there was a coupon for 50 free songs. I know where they are going, I just have to decide on the songs. Sounds like fun!
We are looking forward to a family reunion. All 3 of our children are coming for a few days and we get to play with all 3 granddaughters at the same time. I get to be Mimi for a week! TTFN